Make a Donation
Sojourner Consultancy, a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt non-profit organization, accepts private/public funds and in-kind donations. Please provide your organizational/individual name, tax identification number/VAT, phone number, email address, and mailing address with your donation. Please indicate if the donation is recurring and the recurring frequency, or if the donation is a one-time donation.
Donation's are accepted online, by text, or by calling us at (517) 525-2940 for additional information if you would to remit a donation by check.
Building Fund
$66,666.66 Goal *$8,333.33/month from Apr. - Dec. 20232024
Building Fund
$100,000.00 Goal *$8,333.33/month from Jan. - Dec. 20242025
Building Fund
$33,333.34 Goal *$8,333.33/month from Jan. - Apr. 2025 **Anticipated Grand Opening - May 2025
Make a Single Donation
Make a one-off donation or choose to donate to us regularly.
If you would prefer to make your donation by speaking to a member of our fundraising team, please call us at (517) 525-2940
1. Text GIVE (313) 462-0779
2. Follow the prompts
3. Register your credit or debit card (first time only)
At banks:
Comerica Bank
Account Name: Sojourner Consultancy
Please contact us at (517) 525-2940 if you would like to make a payment by check.
Donate by phone
You can donate by credit or debit card on our donation line: (517) 525-2940
Please provide your organizational/individual name, tax identification number, phone number, email address, and mailing address with your donation. Please indicate if the donation is recurring and the recurring frequency or if the donation is a one-time donation.